If I see the word SALE all hell breaks lose in my little cosumer girlish mind. I reason with myself that even if I don't really need another pair of shoes or a new bag, it's always good to buy it when it's on sale, it saves the extra bucks you would pay for it when it's not on sale. And so my story with the shops lives on. And let me tell you, you have no idea how helpful my shopping is to everyone, specially people who don't shop ever! As a result of the exquisite relationship I share with the malls, I have everything at home - everything and believe me that is so convenient on those days when you feel you want something, but just don't have the energy to go buy it.

I was browsing through the Louis Vuitton site today and came across these sandals that look like glass- so Cinderella! Now the day I can just go buy a pair of LV shoes, believe you me, thats the time in my life when I'll have no time to shop. I'll have grown old enough to ignore mood swings. You know thats why I think LV stuff looks nice only in pictures- because the people who wear it are most often reallly old and hard faced having worked their entire lives for this stage. Of course then there are ther fakes, and I HATE them I HATE people who use fakes. It drives me insane. If you cant use the original show some integrity and DO NOT buy the fake. Specially LV- I mean seriously, all those people who go through their whole life to buy LV and then carry it to the mall to see a totally original looking fake carried by some teeny bopper! How rude! And really if your below the age of 30, do not carry an LV, because really the whole world will scream it's fake and it does NOT talk high of your morals. And no, you cannot afford an original at 15 or even 20 and maybe you just will at 30! So till then, admire the pictures...

Baby Dior 2007 Pre - Walker Sandals for girls
Anyways, some people will never understand this. And to think that Sophie Kinsella actually has an entire series of books on a shopaholic! And needless to say, I own every one of them. That woman has really understood the shopaholic mind! Becky Bloomwood the main protagonist, is just a classic case of a shopaholic. The latest is Shopaholic and Baby and believe me for all those people who think buying a baby designer clothes is foolish, dont be a meanoid- you know why kids cringe when they see their baby pics years later- it's because of the untasteful clothes. And so I insist that all babies wear only designer gear. Just look at the Baby Dior Pre - Walker Sandals for girls- How cute!!
1 comment:
You can spend your money in any way you want. It is your money. So keep buying shoes - even if they cost a small fortune. Nobody has the right to judge the way you spend your money. They can only judge your taste in shoes... :-)
The next time you reason if you should buy another pair of shoes, remember: A woman can never have enough shoes. Probably that is true for handbags, too.
I hope I will never upset you but if I do I will certainly follow your advice and buy you a nice and elegant pair of shoes.
These LV sandals are quite nice.
Have a nice day
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